Yes, there are people and companies making money right now. A lot of it!
Here are some facts, thoughts and tips to catapult you into the big leagues.
The Facts!
According to CNBC, “The number of millionaires in the [United States] is growing. TheU.S. has more than 10 million.
Despite the European debt crisis and worries about the U.S. economy, a May 2011 report from the Deloitte Center for Financial Services projects that the number of millionaire households in the U.S. will more than double to 20.5 million in 2020, with combined wealth of $87 trillion, up from $39 trillion in 2011.”
What Story Are You Telling Yourself?
In my book, OutSell Yourself: Go From Hello to Sold, an entire chapter is dedicated to thoughts and outcomes. Here’s what I’ve discovered:
”After observing scores of professionals over the years, I know this for sure: It’s not luck that determines who achieves great success and who doesn’t, as many people would like to believe. It’s what a person thinks that has the most powerful influence on their success.”
Does Your Belief System Need Re-balancing?
A recent AP-CNBC poll finds 61 percent of U.S.respondents think it is “extremely” or “very difficult” to become a millionaire in this country today. (Released Sept. 23/11)
Success or Failure—It’s All in Your Mind
Here’s an excerpt from my book on what contributes to success,
“Over the years, a nasty reality reared its ugly head. People can develop and even master all of the nonintimidating business and sales techniques in the world. However, unless they also create an environment for success, they severely compromise their ability to do well or even get ahead.
That reality played like the background music in my story too. My theme song was: “Times are tough, and it’s hard to get a break…la la la…”
Everything changed, after I made profound changes in my belief systems, internal and external dialogues.
Use Your ‘Thoughts’ to Attract Your Ideal Clients
You can actually use ‘thought patterns’ to attract more of your ideal clients. I’m talking about the person or company that will pay for your expert solutions−no matter what the economy.
But first, take the time to identify and re-frame any conscious or unconscious negative thoughts that could hold you back.
Like attracts like, so it’s important to sound and behave like a successful entrepreneur or company to attract the same.
When you believe that success is possible, others will too.
Check out the ‘thought re-framing’ exercises and other techniques in my book, OutSell Yourself: Go From Hello to Sold.