According to a New York Times article, 65 percent of new business comes from referrals!
The on-line versions of referrals are written testimonials. They’re often used on websites and social media profiles.
So here’s what you need to know to get GREAT testimonials, so that your buyers are selling you.
If you’ve worked directly with a customer, the perfect time to ask for a testimonial is when someone has expressed appreciation. It could sound like this, “Are we ever glad we hired you!” or “Your ideas [products, techniques, solutions…] made a big difference!”
This usually happens after you’ve completed the work or after a product has been purchased. By then your buyer will have experienced the positive changes. Now they have something new to talk about. YOU!
Here’s the reality.
Most decision makers, and consumers, are too busy to write a testimonial themselves. In those cases I’ll offer to write the first draft for them.
The last thing I want is to ruin a great business relationship by hounding someone for their testimonial. After all, the purpose of working with me was to increase business. Now my clients are even busier!
To help organize their thoughts I say, “For the testimonial would you briefly tell me the benefits you got from our work and what it was like to work with me?”
Then I say, “I’ll send the testimonial to you for any additional input or changes and your final approval.”
Using this process allows me to quote my customer. Not put words in their mouth.
If you sell your products on-line or through a retailer you can still get testimonials.
If someone buys on-line send them an after the sale email.
In the email ask for a quick written review. You could also provide a very short satisfaction survey to fill in. But make sure it takes two minutes or less to complete.
Make sure to offer something as an incentive for their input. For example, give a percent off coupon toward the next purchase.
When selling through a retailer, you can attach a ‘Reward for Your Feedback’ card to your product.
Be sure to state what’s in it for someone to give you feedback i.e. 15% OFF YOUR NEXT PURCHASE.
Then include a link to a website for them to do a two minute, or less survey, to receive the coupon. On that website ask for an email address to send the coupon.
By the way, using this rewards technique gets you another sale. Plus, it gives you a way to keep in touch.
Now that’s good marketing!