You might already be using the law of attraction when marketing.
However, when you really understand how it works you get even better results!
Here’s why the law of attraction turbo charges your marketing and how to use it.
Yesterday I sent out a tweet that hit a nerve. It was about the stuff that bores people when you market.
Check out some of the reactions generated on Twitter. The responses could have you re-thinking your writing style.
This is the third in a series of quick tips on how to ‘sell without selling’.
Just like Quick Tip #1 and Quick Tip #2, the information comes from my book, OutSell Yourself: Go From Hello to Sold!
Okay, let’s ‘sell without selling’…
This is the second of three quick tips on how to ‘sell without selling’.
There is an old saying, “People love to buy. But no one wants to be sold.”
Keep reading to find out how to take the sleaze out of selling.
Yes, there are people and companies making money right now. A lot of it!
Here are some facts, thoughts and tips to catapult you into the big leagues.
The Facts!
According to CNBC, “The number of millionaires in the [United States] is growing. The U.S. has more than 10 million.