Kelly’s Insider Business Secrets & Resources

Avoid Self Sabotaging Your Success

(2 minutes)

  • How you could be unconsciously sabotaging your success.
  • Techniques to sell you to yourself.
  • Quick example of a business conversation.

Tips to Market Above The Noise

(6 minutes) SCV-TV

  • How you could be unconsciously sabotaging your success.
  • Techniques to sell you to yourself.
  • Quick example of a business conversation.

OutSell Yourself Tips (Plus some of Kelly’s story.)

(48 minutes) Professionally Speaking TV

Following an entrepreneurial path from an early age, Kelly McCormick a Business Expert and author of Outsell Yourself, gives sales advice to “non-sales people”.

Kelly covers her lessons on sales pressure, first-time buyers, and how to deal with the “so what” syndrome. She also discusses five must-have techniques for selling. This includes the difference between presentations and probing questions. Plus gaining agreement from customers and building trust. You’ll also learn how to use intentional pauses and why you need to avoid making assumptions.Finally, Kelly shares her potent three-part after sales enquiry. More than that, you’ll discover how to be real, really mean it, and Outsell Yourself!

More Business, Selling and Marketing Tips:

E-tips On: Avoiding Speaking in ‘Technobable’, Selling & Marketing to Women, How to Ask for Help, What to Say When Something Sucks.

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