There are a lot of marketing strategies. Picking the right one depends on your objective. Today we are going to focus marketing to get immediate attention.
Let’s say you’ve just been quoted in an article, interviewed for a podcast or were nominated for an award. Whatever the situation, it is important to get the word out NOW so that people know about it and you. To do this you need to be proactive.
Recently, Small Business Trends interviewed a few people, including me, for the article How to Promote An Award Nomination. Below are some of the marketing tips I shared in that interview. For this post I put additional examples, in brackets, to show the other things you promote with the techniques.
“When seeking support for an award nomination, you can start by reaching out to people you know would love to help. Business growth and marketing strategist Kelly McCormick told Small Business Trends that she recommends, reaching out to your personal and professional contacts first. Just send a quick but personal email letting them know about the contest [crowdfunding campaign, special event, podcast, article…] and tell how to vote [find a specific website], if necessary.”
“Social networks can also be a great place to gain support [create awareness]. McCormick suggests promoting on the social networks that you’re most active on. Keep it simple with just a link and a short explanation of the award [new developments in your products/services, a limited time offer, eBook, newsletter…] and/or how to vote [find a specific website].
You don’t need to bombard people with requests or information. But the people who follow you on those platforms likely do so for a reason. So they may be likely to vote for you or your business [or promote something on your behalf].”
“You can also leverage social media to gain the support of some relevant influencers in your industry. McCormick says, “Reach out to social media influencers that you’ve built relationships with. Ask if they would be willing to share your voting page link [updates about specific things happening in your business] within their networks.”
Click here to read more great tips from the Small Business Trend article.