“I can still remember the oily taste of cold metal on my tongue.”
After reading that first sentence in the prologue of Edgy Conversations: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Outrageous Success, I was hooked.
Finally, someone dared to tell the real deal on what it means to be human and searching for meaning and success. This was NOT the typical ‘Ten Steps to Success’ book.
In peeling back the pages, here’s what else I found:
Author and successful entrepreneur Dan Waldschmidt, and his team, spent four years analyzing how 1,000 high performers achieved success. Dan then added is his own self-reflective observations on how he’s built his businesses and lived life.
In his book, Dan offers his tell it like it is wisdom and insights. He covers everything from the decisions you must make, and the discipline you must develop, in order to achieve success.
Dan also shows you how to move through real and perceived obstacles to getting what you want. You’ll be re-evaluating everything from your attitudes to your values.
Edgy Conversations: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Outrageous Success also includes great stories about ordinary people becoming extra ordinary. Plus it’s well laid out and visually appealing.
This book is filled with so many thought provoking insights on how to achieve success. You can literally pick and choose what works for you.
Edgy Conversations is a must read.