There is a huge overlooked marketing opportunity on LinkedIn. It is so obvious, yet very few people have figured out where the opportunity is and how to leverage it. So let’s dive in and give you a big marketing boost on LinkedIn.
Okay we all know that networking is a powerful business building tool. Many people, including myself, get a lot of our new business via referrals. So why is it that so many “professionals” do such a crappy job of connecting with others? From what I have observed, most people don’t really know what to say or do to make powerful and meaningful connections.
To break through any obstacles, I interviewed Michael Hughes, the guru of networking. Here are his valuable opinions, pointers, and tips; all of which are in total alignment with my process on how to ethically OutSell Yourself.
Kelly: What is the biggest mistake people make when networking?
Michael: The biggest (and most common) mistake professionals make when networking is…
1. Reach out to the Indirect Competition:
Last week, I invited yet another expert who speaks professionally to join my LinkedIn network. In his reply in-mail he said, “Really curious about why you chose to connect with me?” Here was my reply:
Hi Frank,
Even though we both speak professionally, we have different areas of expertise in business; yet we have a similar target market. From past experience, I have found that this connection can create great opportunities for my LinkedIn community to learn about you and vice versa.