Kelly McCormick's Business Tips

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Edgy Conversationsposted 09:14am April 4, 2014

‘Edgy Conversations’ – A Success Book that Breaks the Rules

“I can still remember the oily taste of cold metal on my tongue.”


After reading that first sentence in the prologue of Edgy Conversations: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Outrageous Success, I was hooked.

Finally, someone dared to tell share the real deal on what it means to be human and searching for meaning and success. This was NOT the typical ‘Ten Steps to Success’ book.

In peeling back the pages, here’s what else I found:

Best Social Sitesposted 09:48am March 29, 2014

How to Pick the Best Social Media Networks for Your Business [PODCAST 4 min.]

When I help entrepreneurs and businesses with the social part of their marketing two questions come up, over and over again.

1. How can I figure out the best social media networks for my business?

2. How many of those networks should I be on?

In this interview excerpt I answer those questions.

Build Brand Loyaltyposted 08:37am October 16, 2013
Build Brand Loyalty

What REALLY Builds Brand Loyalty? Surprise…

What really builds brand loyalty? Surprise! It’s not what you might think.

Many social media experts, marketers and businesses have been led to believe that loyal followers turn into loyal customers.


“Engagement” — interacting as much as possible with (customers) and building relationships doesn’t hold on to customers.

Are you kidding me?! Nope.

Raising Your Pricesposted 12:44pm August 21, 2013
Raising Your Prices

How to Raise Your Prices – And Keep Customers!

People tend to think that they need A LOT more business, to make a decent living.

Well…the 80/20 rule paints a different picture.

“Eighty percent of business comes from twenty percent of your customers.”

This means that many businesses aren’t charging their current clients enough money.

The solution is simple. Raise your fees – without losing customers. Are you rolling your eyes?

Ok, I’ll show you how to do this.

[6 min. video]posted 07:21am June 29, 2013
Your Fired

Quick Tips to Market Above the Noise [6 min. video]

Let’s face it. Social networking can be a lot of noise. It can seem impossible to get your message in front of prospective clients.

In this six minute interview, I share tips to:

– Identify your ideal client.
– Develop your message.
– Uncover your clients’ preferred social networks.
– Engage authentically on social media.

Kelly's Success Tips!posted 09:50am January 9, 2013

Kelly McCormick’s Tips to Succeed –No Matter What!

Enlightened entrepreneurs, and successful companies, know that a secret to success is to have a ‘no matter what’ attitude.

We look for opportunities to move forward, in spite of what others may think. Then we go for it.

Here are some of my ‘glass half full’ tips on how to succeed –no matter what!

Raise Your Income!posted 05:10am October 6, 2011

4 Tips to ‘Raise Your Thoughts’ & Your Business Income!

What you ‘think’ is what you get. We’ve all heard it. Yet few people know how to ‘profit’ from this principle.

Well except for approx. 10 million millionaires in the USA, and some powerful forward thinkers.

Here are some of my tips and techniques to raise your thoughts and income.

Make Moneyposted 08:56am September 28, 2011

Why People Make Money – In Any Economy!

Yes, there are people and companies making money right now. A lot of it!

Here are some facts, thoughts and tips to catapult you into the big leagues.

The Facts!

According to CNBC, “The number of millionaires in the [United States] is growing. The U.S. has more than 10 million.

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