No doubt about it, a woman’s selling style is radically different from a man’s. We have a unique set of values, communication traits, and behaviors – characteristics a woman must express when selling, if she wants to feel comfortable and confident.
Unfortunately, far too many women sell in a style that works better for men. This isn’t terribly unlike building an igloo in the Sahara; as soon as you lay the foundation for a great structure things dissolve before your very eyes. No matter how hard you struggle, the pieces never seem to come together. To avoid watching your sales dreams evaporate into thin air, take heed of the following techniques: [ – ]
[click to continue]Several men have surprised me in the past few weeks, and it wasn’t with flowers and chocolates.
Actually, it was what they said that made me gasp for air. They were discussing their new ‘cautious’ approach to buying goods and services.
These encounters led me to recognize a few key things about the buying behavior of men in our current economy:
[click to continue]The mindset of female consumers has definitely changed. Moms, CEOs and women in many other roles have a whole new list of buying considerations. This is an important insight that you must grasp, and then change and incorporate into your selling style – immediately. Here’s why: Females influence approximately 80% of spending decisions. And your sales success could depend on how quickly you adapt to a woman’s new spending habits.[ – ]
[click to continue]Men you need to know that selling to a woman is a lot like dating. You’ll either make a great first impression or you’ll strike out. The ball is in your court.
So what’s a guy to do? I recommend you familiarize yourself with some of the fatal mistakes men make on a date, as well as when selling. Then apply some new approaches and fast.
To help you, here is some really good-to-know information.
[click to continue]