Repeat business is money in the bank for entrepreneurs, consultants and businesses. The phone rings and you’re ready to go. Get the order book!
As easy as it all sounds, and it can be, there are too many people caught in the cycle of working for one client and then moving on to the next. More accurately, too many clients move on because they didn’t feel that warm fuzzy “loyalty” feeling. Here are seven important reasons why clients and customers come back for more…
Clients and customers come back for more because in the past:
- Instead of doing a boring ‘sales presentation’ you took the time to get to know your client and gave them a chance to get to know you.
- You asked information gathering questions such as, “What is not working?” or “Tell me about your situation and what you would like to be different [improved, better…]”
- You listened without jumping in to shoot solutions or sell, as your client explained their situation, needs, and expectations.
- Instead of making assumptions, when things weren’t crystal clear, you clarified with questions such as, “To help me fully understand, when you said you wanted to earn more money [fix a problem, make things better] what did you have in mind?”
- You demonstrated that you fully understand your client’s business and/or life by summarizing the conversation before presenting targeted solutions.
- You did not oversell. As a matter of fact, you sold what was needed, and your solutions worked (see points 1-5).
- You followed up after the sale to find out how things were going and offered additional help.
You can find exact examples of what to say before, during and after the sale, in my book OutSell Yourself: Go From Hello to Sold with Ethical Business and Sales Techniques!

Hi, I’m Kelly McCormick, a
Business Growth and Marketing Strategist. I help entrepreneurs & companies to identify opportunities for growth. Plus, I develop targeted branding, marketing & sales strategies.
I can help you too!