If a company or individual didn’t buy immediately, missed a scheduled follow-up, or didn’t respond to your messages, it could be for many reasons. (FYI, the following excerpt is from my book, OutSell Yourself: Go From Hello to Sold with Ethical Business and Sales Techniques.)
Here are 10 reasons why buyers go missing and the actions you can take to reconnect.
1. They died. Unless you’re in the funeral business, this probably isn’t good news. Check in later to find out who is now looking after things.
2. Someone else died. Send a card.
3. They had a deadline of their own. Call and say, “I understand. Given the current situation, when would you like me to contact you?”
4. Their company changed direction. Someone in the team/family might have come up with a new plan. Ask, “What’s the new direction, and how can I help [contribute to your success, make things easier for you . . .]?”
5. Their priorities changed. They needed to spend the money somewhere else. Ask, “What’s your current plan [situation]?” because there may be an opportunity to provide a smaller-scale buying solution.
6. They hired a different vendor for “political” reasons. “I’ll hire your company and then you can hire us.” Keep the door open by saying, “I understand. And in case that vendor [company, supplier, person] can’t meet all your needs, I will keep in touch.”)
7. There were internal position changes and the decision maker has changed. Call to introduce yourself and find out where things stand.
8. The economy took a downturn, and the budget was pulled. That sucks. Check in later, as the problem to be solved probably didn’t disappear.
9. The breadwinner lost their job. Give them time to regroup.
10. You did all the talking and didn’t really understand their needs. Call and say, “I realize that I was so enthusiastic about my solutions, that I did all of the talking. If this is a good time, I have a few questions to ask to find out more about you and your situation. Then I will know actually which solution will be right for you [your family, your team, your company].”
Avoid Stalker Style Follow-ups: You can find more ways to avoid doing “Stalker Style Follow-ups” in my book, OutSell Yourself: Go From Hello to Sold with Ethical Business and Sales Techniques.